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Section C-7 Gemini Project

  Taylor Kammerer             Section Sentinel

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Before NASA’s Apollo missions, the Gemini Project helped prepare for the big mission, a trip to the moon. In a way, this is what Section C-7 is doing for their eleven lodges. In an interview with Joey S., the Section C-7 Vice Chief, we explored what the Gemini Project is and how it can be beneficial for a section and its lodges.

The Gemini Project, formerly known as the Sister Lodge Program, is an opportunity for lodges in Section C-7 to pair up to share best practices in order to strengthen weaker parts of their programs. According to Joey, “The lodges choose what other lodge they want to pair with, the section just encourages and motivates all lodges to participate.” Last year only 3 lodges participated, which showed the section that more in-person meetings with all lodge chiefs is needed. As of now, every lodge is planning to participate and announce who they will be pairing with at their winter council of chiefs meeting.

When it came down to what the weaknesses in the program were, Joey said that it all boiled down to lodge chief participation. This year the section officers talked to all the lodge chiefs and explained how this can help improve their lodge and why it’s so beneficial to them if they participate. All the lodge chiefs came together for an in-person meeting, which allowed them to create relationships and get to know each other, making it easier for them to work together as a team and not strangers. Joey said, “the program not only creates friendships between lodges, but also encourages a friendly rivalry to improve JTE results and participation within the lodges.”

Section C-7’s Gemini Project is preparing each lodge for their big mission of making big changes to impact their program. Why should your chapter, lodge or section follow Section C-7 and create a program like this? To Joey, the value of coming together to work on the program has the potential to create a major impact on the lodges.