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First ever Area 1 ServiceCorps plays critical role in MassJam

  Taylor Bobrow             Section Sentinel

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On October 12 -14, the first ever OA Service Corps at the Area 1 MassJam formed to deliver service to a gathering of thousands of Scouts from across the state of Massachusetts and beyond. Arrowmen with the service corps completed tasks ranging from parking management to organizing stage shows and serving as the logistical support for program areas across MassJam as needed. 

Since MassJam's inception in 1985, a vision of an OA Service Corps has existed. It was not until Elliot Gault, past section chief of NE-1, was approached at his area committee meeting did that vision become a reality. "It was great to showcase our Order not only through our exhibit but also our cheerful service," Gault said. "Even though we were working hard, we had a blast." Gault, with the support of his adviser David Paulson, worked for several months to organize and lead the first ever service corps at MassJam. MassJam can best be described as a scaled down Jamboree held over three days for Scouts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The location has shifted, but is now being held at Barnstable County fairgrounds in East Falmouth, Massachusetts. Activities range from rock-climbing, COPE, sports, and first-aid with participation primarily from nine different councils. 

In addition to the service rendered, an Order of the Arrow booth was on display at the exhibit area of MassJam. Visiting Scouts were given a lesson on the Order's history in Massachusetts. Every Arrowmen that stopped by was invited to sign a large banner, which Gault described as, "a great opportunity to see the scope of the number of Arrowmen in each of our Scouting units." 

The investment of time that the service corps made at MassJam was beneficial to both the Order and the Scouting units in attendance. The staff fondly remembers their chance to work with the cub scouts and those new to the Scouting program. This opportunity was described as one where you could "see the next generation of Scouting and work with them to create a great experience." The Order surely had a great showing at this gathering of over 7,000 Scouts and all in attendance worked hard to personify the principles of brotherhood, cheerfulness and service.