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Ask the Chairman - Lodgemaster Update

        Ask the Chairman

You're viewing an article from the Order of the Arrow's news archives that is over one year old. Please note that this content is presented for reference purposes only. Some links may no longer function and the information below may have been superseded by a more recent policy update. For up-to-date information, please visit

Q: Mike,

Is there a way to get the troop details that will be used to compute the Lodgemaster JTE unit count? A specific issue we have with Lodgemaster is that we have multiple units with the same number (i.e. 8-Troop 1's, 5-Troop 2's, Troop 5's, in the same district, etc.,) that Lodgemaster does not allow a community to identify the differences. Using national numbers would require a lookup table to use, and our council registrar said ScoutNet does not have any report that can be printed correlating the national unit number to the unit/community.

The Lodgemaster development team has been aware of this for several years but has indicated it only affects several lodges. This may be true, but our initial load of data into Lodgemaster put all members with the same unit number into the same unit so none of the Lodgemaster reports can be used. The Lodgemaster team also mentioned they have run into this when councils merge and new district lines incorporate units with same unit numbers.

Anything you can recommend would be appreciated.



A: Hi Bob,

The number being used is a count of units from ScoutNet, all eligible troops and teams setup in ScoutNet – since they are all separate in that system, even same numbers in districts, the count should be accurate. We aren’t attempting to correlate that number with units set up in Lodgemaster, we are just using the unit count for the JTE metrics.

If you see any discrepancy in the actual number, which is loaded now and visible in the JTE wizard on the 2016 statistics page, the JTE team can help and if need unlock the field so a different number can be entered.

I hope this helps! Thanks for doing what you do!

