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Kittan Lodge Emphasizes Inductions During Their Latest Event

  Grant Covington             OA Today

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Have you ever wondered how Arrowmen could better improve the induction experience for all those involved? Well, Kittan Lodge from New York did just this when they decided to approach this challenge from different angles. The lodge decided to create a special event dedicated solely towards educating Arrowmen on various components related to inductions, ceremonies and elections. The appropriately named ICE Weekend is held at Camp Wakpominee every year where attendees are able to choose from a plethora of available trainings that cover subjects such as elangomat training, ceremonies training and election team training!

Lodge leadership identified these aspects as major areas that shape a candidate’s experience with the OA and decided to host the inaugural event in 2018. They believed if elangomats were given more in-depth training and were invested in each candidate’s success, then the candidates would be more likely to continue being active in the OA. If ceremonialists fully understood and invested themselves into the ceremonies, they would produce an experience that all attendees could appreciate, bolstering their connection to the ideals of brotherhood, cheerfulness and service. Finally, they knew the unit election is the first interaction a Scout will usually have with the OA and could not have it be just an afterthought when it comes to preparation!

Since the creation of this event, they have started to see the benefits of this program come to fruition. They not only have experienced increased induction rates throughout their lodge, they have also witnessed higher activation rates as well. This has led to them having had their highest attendances for their annual fall fellowship, the lodge’s largest event, in 2018 and 2019.

The lodge leadership continues to add to their event each year, ensuring every Arrowman who attends, leaves with a greater understanding of the induction process. This year, the lodge leadership is planning to put what they learned from the Thrive webinar and put it into action. They plan on filming a welcome video at the ICE Weekend along with a special welcome event for newly elected Scouts and their families. They look forward to using these tools to better welcome the future members into our great organization!

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