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How to use the #ChooseOA resources


You're viewing an article from the Order of the Arrow's news archives that is over one year old. Please note that this content is presented for reference purposes only. Some links may no longer function and the information below may have been superseded by a more recent policy update. For up-to-date information, please visit

Using #ChooseOA is simple! There are a few major ways to spread the word about the OA through this initiative.

Use the hashtag! #ChooseOA in an official hashtag of the OA, it can be used by itself or alongside #oabsa to promote the OA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Make a video! It doesn’t have to be long, but any sort of video testimonial from youth members about why they #ChooseOA goes a long way towards showing elected candidates and newly inducted Arrowmen what the OA is about, and why being a member is such an incredible opportunity. And remember, as you film: the hashtag (#) is silent!

Utilize the resources! There are a number of great resources online at Our high quality #ChooseOA posters can be printed and hung up at roundtables, lodge events, or at your council service center to show some of the awesome opportunities the OA provides, as well as individual testimonials. Try customizing the Unit Election presentation for use by your elections teams when they are visiting troops and teams in your council. With the New Member Orientation presentation, briefing new Ordeal members after their induction can be quick and easy! And make sure that those newly inducted Arrowmen know that you haven’t forgotten about them by sending them a copy of our New Member Welcome Letter in the months after their Ordeal! There are a number of new materials in the works that are scheduled to be released this spring, so make sure you check back often!

Are you concerned about printing? No problem! For now, all files can be downloaded in professionally-printable quality. You can download them to a memory stick, take them to a print shop or office supply store, and have them professionally printed. This is especially important if you want to print the banner. The National OA Committee is working on releasing a nation-wide and cost-effective method to have professionally printed banners and materials delivered to you. Until then, this is your best option.

If you have any further questions about the #ChooseOA initiative or how to utilize it or the resources, please reach out to the team at @email. Now, get out there and tell the world why YOU #ChooseOA!