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Tuku'Ut Lodge Rivers and Mountains Conservancy Grant

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Within the Greater Los Angeles Area Council (GLAAC), many youth gathered together along with the Tuku’ut Lodge Chief, Ben Deveau. Ben currently serves as the Section W-4N Vice Chief and is a Vigil Honor member of Tuku’ut Lodge and had the opportunity to speak before the fifteen members of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains and Conservancy (RMC).

Ben helped sponsor GLAAC’s application for Proposition 1, a grant request for funding of $112,800. The grant will be used to help Camp Trask’s Water Rehabilitation Project. Eventually, the proposition will lead up to a second proposition. Proposition 68 will be a second grant for $1 million for procurement, installation, and construction of a packaged water treatment system and a new water storage tank at the camp.

After Ben’s amazing experience of participating in OA Trail Crew (OATC) he returned to Philmont. Ben has had the opportunity to work as an OATC Foreman and spend time in the backcountry. Ben has been cheerfully serving and helping others cheerfully serve along the trails of Philmont. He has helped many experience the ranch in a special and unique way for two weeks showing the conservation and sustainability commitments of all scouts.

“I am humbled and honored to be included in this group of experienced scouts and I know our participants will have a blast on their treks” Ben said. He is also very excited to welcome the first co-ed crews for the OA treks during this new record breaking season of backpacking.

Ben is an example of an outstanding Arrowman who has showed the importance of sustainability within the community. GLAAC and Tuku’ut Lodge are reaffirming their commitment to sustainability in maintaining the council camp and their scouting spirits. Since the Order of the Arrow’s sustainability commitment was adopted back in 2017, Arrowmen across the country have shared their stories of sustainability and this is just one more amazing story to be shared.

“We don’t just build trail here on the ranch, we are here to change lives and show our participants what they are truly capable of” Ben said.

Ben did an outstanding job presenting the proposition and representing the youth representatives, not only from the Lodge but also from the council. The address that Ben gave explained the merits of the project to the governing body. The proposition in the end passed with a unanimous vote. Great job, Ben!