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Section Sentinel: Planning for Section Conclave: A Weekend of Fun


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As the winter months begin turning into spring and summer, sections across the country are preparing for their annual Conclaves. This great event is a chance for Arrowmen to come together for a weekend of friendly competition, fellowship, and amazing outdoor activities. Lodges within each section are invited to join fellow brothers for this memorable experience. Section Chiefs, along with their Council of Chiefs, will spend countless hours between now and their Conclaves promoting and advertising the event.

Nick Dannemiller, Section W-1S Chief, began preparations for the W-1S Conclave in September. Nick and his conclave coordinators use a back-date plan that is followed by each planning committee. With five months to go before Conclave, the committees are given specific action items that are to be completed before the next Council of Chiefs meeting. Nick and his team send out two postcards at different times during the year: the first postcard serves as an initial reminder about the date, and the second is a personal reminder to a specific Arrowman with his Chapter and additional information. Through an extensive social networking system, Section W-1S is able to hold the biggest Conclave in the entire Western Region. Invitations not only reach section Arrowmen, but they extend to section and lodge officers in nearby areas. This year, W-1S will be visited by outside organizations, which include the landing of a life-flight helicopter with the chance for participants to tour it. In addition, participants are able to go on a safari on the grounds of Douglas County Fair in Roseburg, Oregon. Nick plans on following the tradition of a VIP luncheon with all of the new Arrowmen in the section, viewing it as an important part of the weekend Conclave.

Section NE-6B is hosting a Wild West themed event this year at Camp Mack in Newmanstown, PA. Section Chief Brant Portner is gearing up for an action-packed weekend and is excited about the planning process thus far. As this year's host lodge, Wunita Gohkos Lodge is sponsoring a BMX course that has just recently been integrated into the camp grounds. Other events include an Iron Chef Cook-off between each lodge, rifle shooting, and a new event called Human Foosball. Brant and the COC have been working closely with the planning committee of Wunita Gohkos to promote the event on June 7th-9th. Monthly emails, social media connections with Arrowmen, and letters are several aspects of how the Conclave Committee is promoting the NE-6B Conclave.

Section W-5S, another Section within the Western Region, became a new section two years ago when Section W-5 split into 5S and 5N. Section Chief Bryan Melonis is working with his COC in the planning process. Specifically, promotions chairman Brian King has produced fliers, videos, and memes that can be utilized for Lodge Chiefs to promote within their lodge. This year's theme will be "Where'd Nutiket Go?", which is a program designed to inspire scouts to find the cheerfulness within them even in the face of obstacles. During Conclave, there will be a mascot competition, where all lodges will show off their mascots in front of the Conclave participants. Western Region Chief David Dye, along with other Western Region Committee Members, will be in attendance during the weekend.

Each of these three Section Chiefs have been working hard to put on memorable conclaves. New and different ways of communicating and advertising their Conclaves, along with incorporating exciting events and shows, have all lead to great ideas and anticipation towards Conclave in their respective sections.