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Northeast Region Town Hall

  David Thornton             Lodge Ledger

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The Northeast Region Town Hall was a online event held on September 19th, 2018 that Arrowmen could attend to learn about high performing lodges. The town hall featured a prepared presentation led by the region leadership that shared best practices with Arrowmen to take back to their lodges, and provided Arrowmen with the ability to ask questions directly to the region chief. During the call, sixty-five Arrowmen attended from throughout the region. This included lodge key 3 leadership, section chiefs, region leadership and other Arrowmen from the region.

Overall, the town hall focused on highlighting best practices within lodges throughout the region along with high performing lodges and what classifies a lodge as high performing. This went along with a prepared presentation created by the region leadership followed by a Q&A session.

Any Arrowmen from the Northeast Region who currently have or are looking for leadership roles in their lodge or section are encouraged to attend future town halls. 2019’s final town hall covered unit elections, and was held in December. Updates about future town halls can be found on the region website at