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Lodge Ledger: Philmont Training Adviser Conference

        Lodge Ledger

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Dear Fellow Advisers,

Your are receiving this letter because another Order of the Arrow adviser has passed on your name and address as a possible attendee at the Order of the Arrow Adviser Conference for 2013. This week-long event is held annually at the Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, NM. Our conference dates are June 16-22, 2013, and we hope you will give serious consideration to joining us.

The distinctive part of this 2013 conference is that you will be getting the most current and relevant information about the Order's content that is not available at a NLS, NLATS, or NOAC. In fact one of the features at our conference will be to ask for your input to issues and solutions being considered by the national OA committee. Another feature used last summer will be the exchange of challenges among our conference attendees in their Order of the Arrow roles at home. This session was expanded during the 2012 Conference at the request of our participants, and it proved to be one of the best parts of our week together. Great ideas can come from you just as well as the national committee!! We have lined up an excellent faculty of experienced, proven national committee and national sub committee Arrowmen to assist you during the week. We anticipate having one national officer join us as well.

Consider recruiting other advisers from your lodge/chapter to join you next summer and use that time to strengthen friendships and spend creative time to find and develop ideas to improve your program at home. The current schedule at Philmont Training Center allows for family time around cafeteria meals, in the evening, and a half day Wednesday. See why Philmont is referred to as "Scouting's Paradise" by visiting their site at This will give you specific details on all the activities available beyond the conference.

Registration is now open to all registered advisers who want to improve their lodge and chapter programs. Prior council approval is no longer required. NLS and /or NLATS attendance is not necessary but will be very helpful if you have already attended one of these training opportunities. Please consider joining us June 16-22, 2013, and once you do decide, you can register on-line at and click on Event Registration.

Jack Butler
OA Faculty Lead
Ray Capp
National Chairman