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Join NOAC Staff!

        OA Today, Section Sentinel       NOAC 2018

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Every few years, the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) rolls around. Thousands of Arrowmen come together to celebrate our brotherhood of cheerful service for fun activities and fellowship opportunities; but NOAC wouldn’t come to life without the dedicated service of those Arrowmen who serve on staff.

Conference staff members will enjoy a unique experience serving the roughly 7,000+ Arrowmen expected at the 2018 conference. While serving as part of the NOAC staff, staff members are encouraged to experience the conference and enjoy the many activities and special events at NOAC. Staff members have the opportunity to meet and work with Arrowmen from all across the country. Staff members will find the bond of brotherhood will grow stronger between them as they serve together throughout the conference.

There are multiple committees staff members can serve on, from leading innovative training sessions,to  inspiring Arrowmen through world class shows, to supporting exciting activities and recreation, or joining the NOAC Service Corps. NOAC staff has a place for every Arrowmen looking to experience NOAC in a fun new way.

Members of the NOAC staff pay their own way to the conference, sometimes traveling with their own council contingent. At the conference, they are housed with the conference staff and work in an assigned support role to help make the national conference a successful and enjoyable event. Many staff positions are still open for the 2018 NOAC, but they’re filling up quickly! If you’re interested in joining NOAC staff, register here.