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Exciting adviser training at Philmont this summer!

        Lodge Ledger

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The Philmont Training Center will host the Lodge and Section Adviser’s Symposium OA Conference during the week of June 18-24, 2017.  This extraordinary event is open to only one lodge adviser or associate lodge adviser from each lodge. It will be like nothing the Order of the Arrow has ever done before.  This program will be invaluable to every lodge who sends the appropriate adviser.  If your lodge is unsure of the value of a week at Philmont Training Center, please take a moment and view this video to learn firsthand from advisers who attended in 2013.

You can turn this experience into a great family vacation at Philmont with the spouse and youth programs offered at the Ranch. As of March 1, we already have over 20 Arrowmen registered for the Symposium.  We anticipate this will fill by early May, so please do not delay.  We are limited by the capacity of the largest room at the Philmont Training Center which can handle 60 people.  If your lodge has already made the decision to attend, then we look forward to welcoming your adviser this summer.  If not, please give early consideration to having your lodge become a part of the 2017 Order of the Arrow Symposium!


To register, visit the Philmont Training Center website, and click the green CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR 2017 button in the middle of the page. You can optionally use this link which will take you directly to the registration page. On the registration page, scroll to the bottom and click the REGISTER NOW button. Complete the subsequent form and follow the directions on screen. There is a video below that will illustrate this process.