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Lodge Officer Petition

How many times has your lodge suffered from the election of a lodge officer who seemed excited to run for office at the time, but after the election he isn’t prepared for the time commitment? Or perhaps you’re familiar with a lodge officer who can’t seem to get to every meeting or event because his parents can’t find the time to drive him there. Running for a lodge office is a big commitment. Many natural leaders, including the best lodge officers, juggle several commitments and are often eager to say “Yes!” when they might not be aware of the real expectations of the office.

For this reason, your lodge might consider using a lodge officer petition. This petition informs potential lodge officer candidates of the expectations of the office. Because it must be signed by the lodge officer candidate’s parents or guardians, they are also aware of the expectations and seriousness of the position. It also alerts them to the fact that there will be many meetings and events to attend, and that their support is needed. This forms the partnership between the youth, the lodge, and the parents to ensure success and limit frustrations for everybody involved. If a youth wants to run for office but has not obtained the necessary signatures, oral agreement may take place over the phone between the parent and the lodge adviser. A sample petition you can adapt for use in your lodge is attached.

The second step in implementing this practice is setting up the lodge officer interview. The interview is conducted by a small, select panel of youth and adults to discuss the exact responsibilities of the office. This interview is conducted with each lodge officer candidate, preferably the day before the election, if possible. Each lodge officer candidate must attend the interview before running for office to ensure that he understands what is expected of him. The panel, of course, does not determine whether the youth is qualified, and may not otherwise prohibit a youth from running for office.

The combination of the lodge officer petition and interview process should help cull out those youth who aren’t fully informed about the responsibilities of a lodge office. Implementing a program such as this one just might make your next lodge year smoother.


Election Candidacy Agreement

Dear Lodge Officer Candidates and Parent/Guardian. Thank you for wanting to serve as a lodge officer for the upcoming year. Serving as a lodge officer is a unique and exciting opportunity. The success of the lodge depends on each lodge officer, and their appointed adviser, to make a commitment of their time, talent, and energy. If you have any questions or are unsure about what will be asked of you as a lodge officer, please talk with one of the current officers or advisers before completing this form. This form MUST be received by the Lodge Adviser before the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge Officer Election on Sunday of the Fall Fellowship.

__ Yes, I desire to become a Candidate for office in the Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge.



Chapter Name:


Troop #:

Phone #:


This form is meant to make sure that each candidate has the support and understanding of their parents/guardians before making a commitment to serve as a lodge officer. This is a crucial part of ensuring the success of every officer.

Each Lodge Officer is expected to do the following:

  1. Attend ALL scheduled Lodge events and the Section SR-6 Conclave. See Attached calendar.
  2. Regularly communicate with their adviser, chairmen, and other officers throughout the year.
  3. In consultation with your adviser, create goals, milestones, budget, and a backdated calendar for the position you were elected.
  4. Meet the goals and milestones that you set.
  5. Help recruit, train, and lead lodge members in carrying out the lodge’s year round program.
  6. Officers are expected to attend and participate in a limited number of other meetings, planning sessions, and special projects throughout the lodge year, especially throughout the fall of the current year as we plan the new year. Dates for these meeting will be set by the new officers.
  7. Lodge Officers are expected to attend the majority of Wednesday Night Summer Camp Crackerbarrels
  8. Set the example by correctly wearing a full Class A uniform.
  9. Conduct themselves at all times according to the highest standards of the Scout Oath, Law, and OA Obligation.

The success of the OA Lodge is dependent on active, engaged officers. Each officer will have an experienced adult adviser assigned to him to work as a team with their officer. Advisers in the OA are experienced Scouters who enjoy volunteering their time to mentor motivated Arrowmen. Advisers train, coach, and guide their officers to complete assigned duties that exceed what is normally asked of young men in high school or college. Lodge officers are expected to diligently work with their adviser, their fellow officers and chairmen, and with other Arrowmen. Service as a lodge officer is not for everyone. Lodge Officers are expected to be able to budget their time between school, family. religious and other responsibilities with what is required of them as a lodge officer. A great many officers have served with distinction and managed their other responsibilities well. Since the effective operation of a Lodge with over 1000 members depends on each Lodge Officer, any officer who finds that he cannot keep up with the duties above or balance these duties with other commitments and obligations will be expected to resign or will be removed from office.


I attest that the above Arrowman has my support to serve as a Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge Officer and that we have discussed the responsibilities of being a lodge officer.

Parent/ Guardian:





Events that 2018 Lodge Officers Are Expected to Attend  
Lodge Officer Training & Planning Meetings TBD
Lodge Executive Committee Workshop                        December 4, 2017 (all day)
Winter Camp December 27-31, 2017
Order of the Arrow University March 11-13, 2018
Section SR-6 Conclave (Camp Crooked Creek, KY) April 8-10, 2018
Spring Ordeal June 3-5, 2011
Summer Camp OA Crackerbarrels June 15, 22, 29, 2018 &  July 6, 13, 2018
Fall Ordeal August 12-14, 2018
Fall Fellowship September 16-18, 2018
Winter Banquet December 3, 2018
Winter Camp December 27-31, 2018
Events that 2018 Lodge Officers Should Attend *  
Middle Tennessee Council Jamboree October 8-10, 2018
Section Council of Chiefs (Boxwell) November 5, 2018
Lodge Budget Meeting TBD
Council Summer Camp Kickoff January 20, 2018
Section Council of Chiefs (Camp Crooked Creek, KY) TBD
ArrowCorps TBD
SummitCorps – The New River Experience (New River Gorge National River, WV)   July, 2018 (Lodge Cont. TBD)
National Indian Seminar (Ridgecrest, NC) August 1-6, 2018


Please be prepared to identify at the 2017 Fall Fellowship any dates above that you know you will not be available. * Certain lodge officers will be expected to attend specific events. For example; the Lodge Chief is expected to attend the Section Council of Chiefs and the Lodge Treasurer is expected to attend the Lodge Budget Meeting. There will be other events and meetings for lodge officers that will be scheduled and announced as the need arises.


The above resource was submitted by Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge in Nashville, Tennessee. Wa-Hi-Nasa, whose current membership is just over 1000, began using the lodge officer petition and interview in 2008. The lodge has experienced great success since the implementation of this program.

Every lodge has something to contribute. Submit your lodge’s Best Practice to @email.